Steven Thorpe
I was lucky enough to be chosen as a James Bond superfan for a Saturday night TV show on the BBC in England, to have an audience with Sir ROGER MOORE whilst he was promoting his book “My Word is Bond”. I met Sir Roger at CLARIDGES which is a very famous hotel in London- One of GORDON RAMSEY’s restaurants is situated within the hotel.
The show is a light entertainment family show so there is a large element of “comedy” (ahem!) within the piece but it was an amazing experience for me as I grew up in the 70’s and ROGER MOORE was the Bond I grew up with- the first Bond movie I saw (at the Cinema) was THE SPY WHO LOVED ME when I was 8 years old (I’m now 43) and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Sir Roger was a great guy, funny and very down to earth. He gave me a framed and signed MOONRAKER movie poster (another guy on the show received A VIEW TO A KILL poster which is what they show at the end).
I apologise about the quality of the footage as my son filmed it direct from the TV on his iphone.
By the way- I’m the black guy in the red Lacoste shirt 😉
I hope you like it!
I have seen this somewhere else a time ago. What a dream, top stuff.
Lucky you, very cool. Sir Roger seems like a really great guy too….
That’s fantastic. Thanks for posting! Also, ‘Moonraker’ is a much better Moore poster to get than ‘A View To A Kill’ IMO.
Brilliant, I envy you (I’m 43 as well and he’s my favourite Bond because Spy was the first one I saw at the cinema too!)
Hi, i was the guy in the grey suit (with the phone to his ear!!) Great day , great man and easily in my top three “greatest days ever” as were my fellow contestants..Steve and Steve. I inquired to the BBC about a copy of the piece on DVD and they quoted me £108 (yes £108). I politely declined!!!