Who says all James Bond fans are men? This photo is from Flora who is not only a James Bond fan but also a fan of The Bond Experience. We think she did an amazing job capturing the feel and look of the Bond poster…special nod to Viktor for some wonderfully talented retouching.
I love the fact that Flora refuses to let Bond be owned by the male fans.Know any other female Bond fans that let their passion show?
model: @floragaramvolgyi
retouch: @vfejes
Short bio: My name is Flora Garamvolgyi. Im a hungarian fashion model living with a retoucher (Viktor Fejes) -who used to work as a photographer -and we thought it would be fun to do movie poster remakes . We made this photo in our living room , without a makeup artist or a hairdresser. Im glad I finally modeled for a picture which can show my other side because at work as a model Im usually embodying really feminine characters mainly for commercials, lingerie and for beauty editorials. We are both huge fans of Mr. Bond and of course Mr. Daniel Craig
Very cool, it’s great to see women enjoying the character of James Bond too. I like the photo too, captures the look and intensity of the Daniel Craig poster, nicely done!
This is amazing and just goes to show the gender diversity of Bond’s appeal. It’s refreshing to see women appreciate and convey their interest in a male-centric character like Bond by not only dressing up as our favourite British gentleman spy but to do so, replicating this now iconic spectre look for Bond. Well done for such a great and accurate looking photo.
This article took me by surprise. The biggest Bond fans in my life have been Women. My grandmother, mother, and sister are all huge fans. My sister got me into Bond at a young age.
Hi, just wanted to say I am 62 I love James bond you all have not picking good james bond since the that played remmimngton steel left ,he was good had the right swag to go with james bond movie ,you really shold payed him and kept him some times we bite our nose to spite our face . I hope you do a better pick next time ,he has to a the right look and the right swag lol. Good luck.
Pierce Bronson, was his name he was great, you should have payed him and kept him for real he was perfect. Sometimes cheap is not better
please not a women , don’t mess the whole sega up.
This is such an interesting take on Bond. I love it!
James bond is cool guys
Hi, just wanted to say I am 15 I love James bonk you all have not picking good James bonk since the that played Remington steel left ,he was good had the right swag to go with James bonk movie ,you really should payed him and kept him some times we bite our nose to spite our face . I hope you do a better pick next time ,he has to a the right look and the right swag lol. Good luck.
I don’t think that Bond Fans are all male, because my mom my grandmother like bond so its not true.
This is really great to see! I myself are also a huge Bond fan and indeed also a woman. Beautiful photo, female Bond it works well! I have actually been planing on doing the same thing actually! which is funny. But I really do enjoy the fashion that James and Daniel Craig wears in the movies. Woman or man you can still enjoy Mr Bonds taste. That卒s why I really like The Bond experience, you can just geek out about Bond. This site and it卒s youtube channel is a real gem! you are doing an awesome job David. I really enjoy the content. Best regards // Sabina Bergvall
I had an ex girlfriend (Russian ironically) and she was totally into living the Bond experience. Before we got together she was bi and always bringing girls home. Plus she was into extreme sports like skydiving etc. I guess basically we shouldn’t let our gender or society dictate our lifestyle and interests. My greatest respects to all women who are into Bond!
This is awesome to see! I’m sure more women are huge fans of James Bond….and Daniel Craig… then we give credit for.
Thanks for the article,
A fan is a fan
Great to see.