You will notice we are doing product reviews again in the video section. I am a big believer that a purchase can be made or destroyed by more than just a bad product. The service and customer experience is paramount when it comes to luxury items and quite frankly if I am paying a premium, I fully expect an elevated level of service.

I am not saying everyone has to usher in a Tom Ford experience of single malts, champagne and round-the-clock service, but is it too much to ask for the basics? To me the basics are:

1. Respond to your emails and potential customers.
2. Know what you are talking about.
3. Know your product and delivery times.
4. If you are going to charge a premium price offer a premium quality.
5. Under promise and over deliver…always.
6. Remember…a few can affect many.

Some of the companies I have purchased from make the grade, but others don’t…so you will be seeing some very positive product and experience reviews…but you will also see some bad ones.

Caveat Emptor!